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Language Network Resources

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How a Language Service Provider Can Support Language Access Planning & Strategy

Organizations that serve diverse communities must ensure meaningful access to information and services for all, including people with limited English proficiency (LEP). This is not just best practice; in many cases,...


Why and How to Switch Localization Vendors

When your company began localizing its materials, the project may have had a limited scope, focusing on a single language or location. In this situation, it can make sense to work with a single-language localization...


The Need for Accurate Translation Services for Healthcare

We live in an increasingly global society, where the diversity of languages spoken has become more prominent. In fact, in the US in 2019, nearly 1 in 5 adults spoke a language other than English at home. This linguistic...


Translating for E-Learning: The Future of Multilingual Education

Education is changing rapidly to keep pace with the digital world. Available anytime from any device that has internet access, e-learning platforms are allowing institutions to reach exponentially wider audiences than...


The Role of Classroom Interpreters, and How to Select the Right One

Because we live in an increasingly globalized world, where differences of race, culture, and language are not only expected, but frequently embraced, it is critical that limited English proficiency (LEP) students and/or...


Education Language Access Requirements for California's K-12 Schools

The Migration Policy Institute issued a Limited English Proficient Population in the United States in 2015. The organization reported 61.6 million U.S. residents spoke languages other than English. Twenty-five million...


Language Access in Insurance: Helping LEP Consumers Get Access to the Marketplace

Health insurance is a necessity for every person living in the United States. The Affordable Health Care Act allowed more uninsured people to get covered. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 91.2 percent of Americans...


How the Right Translation Service Helps Lawyers Do Their Jobs

Lawyers act on behalf of their clients at some of the most challenging times of their lives. Legal advocacy is often a very serious matter, when an individual's freedom may be at stake. In this high-stress environment,...


The Right to Language in a Medical Crisis

Who is at fault when parents misunderstand medical instructions due to a language barrier, and their child dies as a result? Public pressure to answer that question caused laws to evolve several times recently because...


Language Access Plans (LAP) and City Governments

Improving active involvement in local government for all citizens is important to many cities, but sometimes it’s not easy to know where to start. A language access plan (LAP) can provide you with a roadmap that the...


Elections, Federal Compliance, And Translation: What You Should Know

With another election coming up, many voters are already thinking about casting their ballots fairly soon. US citizens who speak languages other than English will often have access to election materials in their primary...


Improving Healthcare through Language Access to Medical Translation and Interpreting

It is important that translators in the healthcare sector are familiar with HIPAA and carefully comply with all HIPAA regulations. Since HIPAA’s designed to protect patients and preserve privacy in healthcare,...
