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Language Network Resources

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Meet Our Team: Brenda Rourcke

Meet Brenda Rourcke, Business Development Representative for Language Network.


Meet Our Team: Caroline Boncan

Meet Caroline Boncan, Finance and Administration Coordinator for Language Exchange. Caroline became familiar with Language Exchange through her previous work in healthcare wherethey often utilized our services. As she...


Meet Our Team: Thais Beccaro

Meet Thais Beccaro, Interpreter Coordinator for Language Exchange. Thais happened upon the language industry and stayed due to its ability to allow her to pursue her passion for communicating and interacting with...


Meet Our Team: Katie Deaton

Meet Katie Deaton, Head of Finance and Administration for Language Exchange. Katie happened upon the language industry, joining Language Exchange as a part time receptionist.She decided to stay with the company and...


Meet Our Team: Julie Scerbik

Meet Julie Scerbik, Operations Manager for Language Exchange. Julie joined Language Exchange in 1998 when she was referred to a job opening by a friend. Since then she has loved building relationships with the...


Meet Our Team: Valentina Cattaneo

Meet Valentina Cattaneo, Translation Project Manager for Language Network.


Meet Our Team: Jennifer Martinez

Meet Jennifer Martinez, Interpreting and Resources Manager for Language Network.


Meet our Team: Stacy Harjer

Meet Stacy Harjer, Director of Business Development for Language Network.


Case Study: Direct Relief

Direct Relief is a humanitarian non-profit organization that seeks to support people all over the world through disasters. Their mission is to improve the lives of all people. They have helped communities through issues...


How to Find Quality Interpreter Services for Schools

There is an urgent need among schools for more interpreters who are able to be physically present and provide quality services. English Learners are in need of these services in order to receive a quality education, as...


How to Choose a Language Service Provider

Where does one even begin when looking for language services? There are a lot of different aspects one should consider when searching for a provider to fill their language needs, though some are more important than...


Language Assistance in the Immigration Process

The immigration process is an extensive and often daunting one for many desiring to live in the United States. The added barrier of language differences makes this process even more challenging for many immigrants. In...
